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Monday, 23 October 2017

Immunity for Crawley Luxury?

"Does anyone know if Crawley Luxury Coaches have some kind of special immunity from parking regulations? This is the exit from Vines in Stephensons Way and you can see nothing to the right as you exit due to this coach being on the double yellows."

Collect your dog poo please!

Is this you? If so please come and collect your dogs poo from shipley road!

Saturday, 21 October 2017

2 pics - Ignorance of the law?

"Spotted these signs as I was walking through Three Bridges the other day. It would be interesting to see what would happen if the Jubilee Club and Three Bridges Football Club carried out their threats as wheel clamping on private land has been illegal for 5 years"

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Inconsiderate bike parking

"Inconsiderate parking! Not to mention it's right under bedroom windows hearing him/her revving it's engine at all hours of day & nite!!!"

2 pics Three Bridges Road Rage

Facebook people I need your help on Friday 7 Oct by Three Bridges Train station this man got out his vehicle and kicked the side of my car twice causing extensive damage.