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Thursday, 22 June 2017

Four pics of armed police arresting two men in Gatwick Road

Rotten parker at County Oak

Looks like they parked at 90 degrees to the (two) spaces they're in!

"Watch out for this person - can't navigate around county oak one way system or know how to park in a bay!"

Sunday, 11 June 2017


"So that's what that cross hatching means. I always thought it meant you couldn't stop in it, but now I know it's marking territory for Audi drivers lol"

Is it really lack of money?

"Is it really a lack of money causing problems in the NHS, or is it things like this? 2 doctor days lost in one week! Maybe it's time to charge twenty quid for missed appointments or do a three strikes and your off our list system"

Selfish van driver

"Thought I'd share this selfish van driver that thinks parking in child bays is ok as well as driving round the carpark the wrong way"

Diamond train guard

"Hi spotted, I just was hoping you could send a thank you on behalf of me to this Southern Rail employee. I know southern rail have had a bad time in the press this morning but this man did an excellent job today. My friend dropped all of his travel money on the way to Gatwick, and this man ran all the way over the platform and on to the train to ensure my friend wasn't out of pocket! Thank you whoever you are!"