Perhaps a bit of courtesy all round is what is required!
"Hi i decided to ask you something.
For long time i can see a lot if bikers on path. Im partly deaf person. Ive been scared hundrets of time. Here im sending you just few pic with teenage rushing to ICC. It increased from time when new houses are build and they have to go bit longer.
But often adult people are driving on path too. Why ? Why if code is clear....bikers must to use road or marked roads for bikers, not path!!!! Are they using because feel unsafe on roads? Maybe i start driving my car on path because i feel other drivers can be drunk?
Looking at last accident in london where was biker and pedestroan involved and pedestrian was killed, how long we will accept it??? I cant hear bikers coming from behind me! They wearing helmets to protect themself but didnt care about pedestrians???? They can easily injure me. What police about it? Why i pay penalty if break road code and bikers not???
Malgorzata Strzalkowska
Thats just few examples in few min one day"